Golf Courses in Baldwin County, Alabama

Are you looking for the best golf courses in Baldwin County, Alabama? Look no further! Baldwin County is home to some of the best golf courses in the state, from world-class courses to low-cost municipal courses. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced golfer, you'll find plenty of options to keep you busy for hours on the field. The GlenLakes Golf Club is widely regarded as one of the best golf courses on the Alabama Gulf Coast and with the best value for money in the area. It has 27 unforgettable holes of golf and is located near Gulf Shores and Orange Beach.

The Preserve on Soldier's Creek is another impressive 18-hole golf course in Baldwin County, with superior playing conditions and eagle shooting ranges. In addition to providing golfers with an opportunity to play, Baldwin County courses offer other services such as golf classes and spa services. Some golf courses may also offer services such as a gym, swimming pools, or tennis courts. A typical golf course has at least one 9- or 18-hole playing course, practice areas for driving and putting, changing rooms, lockers and showers, a club venue with restaurant and bar, golf shop and a parking area. Baldwin County is fourth out of 67 counties in golf courses per capita and fourth out of 67 counties in golf courses per square mile.

There are 24 golf courses in Baldwin County, Alabama, serving a population of 203,360 people in an area of 1,590 square miles. So if you're looking for the closest golf course to Baldwin County, you won't have to look far!.

Grace Tirino
Grace Tirino

Typical twitter scholar. Freelance food nerd. Typical twitter nerd. Typical coffee enthusiast. Hipster-friendly foodaholic. Passionate burrito evangelist.