What is the Dress Code for Golf Courses in Baldwin County?

Golf courses in Baldwin County have a dress code that must be followed in order to play. Shirts or blouses with collars are required, and the areas of the abdomen should be covered so that the skin of the torso is not exposed at any time. V-collars and sleeveless shirts with collars are also acceptable, but tank tops, t-shirts, and halters are not allowed. Some courses may also exclude collarless blouses with sleeves and turtleneck blouses.

When it comes to footwear, most municipal courses accept sports shoes, however, golf shoes will give you the best performance and grip. If you don't want to wear your golf clothes outside of the course, most golf clubs have locker rooms with lockers. Golf pants or chinos are generally accepted, but golf pants are more comfortable and breathable than chinos. Metal spikes on golf shoes are prohibited on most courses because of the way they can damage the playing surface. Located on the east coast of Mobile Bay in Baldwin County, Rock Creek Golf Club offers one of the best golf courses in South Alabama.

It is a full-service golf club with an award-winning restaurant and a variety of social activities and events designed for the whole family. By following these simple rules, you can enter 99% of all golf courses in Baldwin County. Golf shoes will give you the best performance and grip, and locker rooms are available if you don't want to wear your golf clothes outside of the course. Rock Creek Golf Club offers one of the best golf courses in South Alabama, so make sure to follow their dress code when you visit.

Grace Tirino
Grace Tirino

Typical twitter scholar. Freelance food nerd. Typical twitter nerd. Typical coffee enthusiast. Hipster-friendly foodaholic. Passionate burrito evangelist.