Golf Courses in Baldwin County: How Wide are the Fairways?

Golfers of all skill levels can enjoy the wide fairways of the golf courses in Baldwin County, Alabama. From the Rock Creek Golf Course, designed by veteran golf course architect Earl Stone, to the Soldiers Creek Golf Club, designed by Scott Clark, these courses offer a unique golfing experience. The Rock Creek Golf Course spans 6,900 yards and is suitable for both long-distance players and those playing from the front tees. Water comes into play only in two holes, making it easier for players with high handicaps to navigate.

The course also features a large natural grass practice field and a 10,000 square foot practice field for warm-up or practice. The Soldiers Creek Golf Club course is near Gulf Shores and Orange Beach (Alabama). It was designed by Scott Clark, former superintendent of golf courses at the Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Alabama, and current superintendent of The Peninsula Golf Club in Gulf Shores, Alabama. The course features Tif Eagle, the newest and best of the best southern grass for golf course greens. This grass allows for a narrower cut, allowing for smoother and faster greens. At both courses, guests can enjoy panoramic views of the golf course with casual dining and refreshments at the clubhouse's full-service restaurant and outdoor patio.

The Soldiers Creek Golf Club has also been awarded “The Best Premium Golf Course in the United States for Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction” by the National Golf Foundation, one of GolfAdvisor's “15 Best Courses to Play in Alabama” and “Restaurant of the Year” by The Epicureans. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced golfer, you'll find something to love about these Baldwin County golf courses. With wide fairways suitable for players of all skill levels and stunning visual effects of the countryside, you'll have an unforgettable experience.

Grace Tirino
Grace Tirino

Typical twitter scholar. Freelance food nerd. Typical twitter nerd. Typical coffee enthusiast. Hipster-friendly foodaholic. Passionate burrito evangelist.